"Even now,” declares the LORD, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.
Rend your heart and not your garments."
(Joel 2:12-13)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

the end of day ten

The end of day ten.
Today for the first time since I began the fast ten days ago, I began to feel real hunger. It is amazing that we as Americans are so well-fed that we can go a long time without being really hungry. Ten days.

I was in the grocery store with Ella getting some stuff and it dawned on me that hunger had set in. As I said before, there is a difference between hunger and desire. Desire usually wants a certain thing – pizza, spaghetti, steak – where hunger is much more general. Not a totally unpleasant feeling but it is normal for my body sooner or later to notice that I am not eating.

 We had a prayer meeting here tonight for a man who is in the prison ministry. We need every second and fourth Thursday to eat together and then pray. I always cook. I like  it but again, there is a definite setting apart when you are not eating. Especially when you have cooked everything on the table.

I am also losing my taste for coffee to an extent. I knew I would. I drink my coffee very strong and the strength hangs in my mouth for a long time. I may have to try making it weaker or doing without the last week.

The feeling I get when I pray is interesting. I was praying tonight and it seemed I could go on forever. I feel so alert and in tune with something, not sure exactly how yet, and I think it is God. I am doing this fast, after all, to get in touch with God.

I am also doing it as part of a corporate venture. I know that all over the world, other pastors and leaders of the Foursquare Church are doing this also. That gives me encouragement.

Father God, again I ask that you strengthen the Christians in North Africa, and for their leaders. Keep them close to you and let them live in your praise. Thank you, Lord. Amen

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